Officially ‘ Giving Tuesday ‘ is marked 5 days after Thanksgiving in the States, we wanted to honour this occasion as a step in the right direction for global peace.

We are a London based skincare brand, embracing wellness, respect and kindness in all that we do and through our choice of blends and formulations in our skincare products.

We hope we embody the notion of respect for ourselves, our planet and each other, by respecting what we put on our skin. If what we put on our skin is PURE, NATURAL, made with KINDNESS then surely we are embodying and embracing the goodness within each one of us.

With this in mind we felt honoured to name 2 of our products that were inspired by our philosophy, so our bath salts were aptly named, the HARMONY blend and the PEACE blend.

On the wider scale, in all that we do we hope to embrace the vision of global PEACE and be a tiny part in the vision for global peace and be a contributory factor #peaceispossible.