Let’s all strive to make every day Earth Day !  When we understand that our decisions and our every day actions make an impact on our environment, wouldn’t we naturally want to strive for an eco conscious environment ?

This years theme for Earth Day was Planet vs. Plastics, we can all make a concerted effort to call for an end to the use of plastics … “ for the sake of human and planetary health “ ( earthday.org ).

No where is this more important than in skincare / beauty. Currently this industry is a major contributor to this serious issue, with billions of units of packaging produced every year.

“ …. The damage we are doing to the planet is damaging our health… “

It is now known ( through recent studies ) that micro plastics are full of toxic chemicals that are leaching into your skin.

Let’s fight plastic at source to prevent plastic pollution and protect the planet for future generations. So act now ! We at Eizun Eco Skin are supporting @ClientEarth, their Match Appeal is live now until 30th April.

According to a report cited, 7th April 2022, micro plastic particles were found in 9 out of 10 cosmetic products from leading brands.

Let’s work together consciously to reduce plastic and keep our planet healthy and plastic free for ourselves and our future generations.